2017 just got started, and it’s already an exciting year. Next week I will relocate to the bay area and join Netflix as part of the Edge Developer Experience team. I’m super excited about this step and can’t wait to get started. The Edge DevExp team is responsible for providing the tools and infrastructure for developers connecting to the Netflix API [1].
This also means I’m leaving Luminis Technologies, where I spent a little over five years. Luminis has been a great place to work. Looking back at the past five years I worked on some interesting projects like Cloud RTI, several open source projects and I wrote 1,5 book for O’Reilly (the second one still in progress, and will be published in 2017). Additionally I experienced working from home full time, which I wrote about in more detail here.
Netflix is almost the defacto example for scale and distributed architecture in our field, and I’m really looking forward to work for a company that pushes technology as much as they do. My new role is again very developer oriented, which is really my passion.
[1] Edge Insights