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Paul Bakker

Software architect, author of Modular Cloud Apps with OSGi and Java 9 Modularity

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I wrote an extensive OSGi / Amdatu tutorial that covers all the topics that you need to build modular (web) applications. The tutorial should be a deep-dive introduction in the concepts, tools and libraries that you need, and should fast track you to developing real applications.

Topics include:

  • Bundles and module boundaries
  • OSGi services
  • RESTful web services with JAX-RS
  • Unit and integration testing
  • Incorporating JavaScript (AngularJS) front ends
  • Using MongoDB
  • JPA
  • Scheduled tasks
  • Configuration with Managed Services
  • Building with Gradle
  • Docker deployment

The tutorial comes with a git repository that you can use for each step if you get stuck. But of course also feel free to ask questions! Also, we already had a large collection of videos that cover many of these topics (and more), so have a look at those as well.